Sponsors and Contributors
Thank you to our Inaugural Circle of Remembrance Contributors and Sponsors for their generous support of the Japanese American National Museum’s Remembrance Project.
Major Contributor
Camp Contributor

Block Contributor

Corporate Sponsors
First Hawaiian Bank
As Hawaii’s oldest and largest financial institution, First Hawaiian Bank is proud to support the
Remembrance Project. Through our collective actions large and small, we believe that if we work
together, we can have a strong community, both socially and economically.
Barrack Contributors
Wendy C. Shiba & Lawrence Pittman
Servco Foundation
Rena Miwako & Kimio Andre Wheaton
Harvey H. Yamagata
Family Contributors
Gary, Adam, Jean, & Linda Moriwaki
Henry Y. Ota
Hideki Hamamoto
John E. & Sarah Kobara
Leslie K. Furukawa
Pacific Guardian Life
Paul N. & Kay Shishima
R. Thomas Decker
Susan Onuma
Wayne & Phyllis Nitta