Remembrance Project Tributes

Men of the 100th & 442nd
My tribute is to the men of the 100th Infantry Battalion and 442nd Regimental Combat Team who fought so valiantly and brought pride and honor to all Japanese-Americans. The sacrifices they made while serving this country “broke the ground” to enable…

Mrs. Kana Arakaki
In memory of Grandma Arakaki.

Mary Teruko Yanagitani Bihl
The late sister of Noburo (deceased) and Katsuyoshi Yanagitani, mom of Paul James Bihl, and an auntie to the Yanagitani’s, Miya’s, and Sasaki’s.
—Brian Yanagitani

Wayne Collins
Times of crisis sometimes reveal people of courage, compassion, and principle who profoundly affect, indeed transform, the lives of others. World War II was such a time. Vice Counsel of the Japanese Consulate in Lithuania, Chiune Sugihara, who issued transit visas to Jewish…

Fumio Ralph Fujimoto
Fumio Ralph Fujimoto was born on August 4, 1923, to Matsunosuke and Konoyo Fujimoto, and grew up on a farm in Buena Park, California. When Ralph was 14, his father died of lung cancer. Ralph, a student at Fullerton Union High School, proceeded to balance his studies with farm…

Jack M. Fujisaki
Growing up in the 1950s and ’60s, like so many children, I had no understanding and appreciation of the people around me. One of these was Jack Fujisaki. Perhaps the memories of WWII were still too painful, or like so many in the silent generation, he…

Masako Ikeda
In recognition of the Ikeda family’s many contributions as immigrants and citizens of the United States and all of Mr. and Mrs. Ikeda’s Children:
Tomoko Ikeda Wheaton, Motoko Ikeda Spiegel, Moss Ikeda, and Nobuko Ikeda Simmons;
Grandchildren: Rena Miwako and…

Masao Ikeda
In recognition of the Ikeda family’s many contributions as immigrants and citizens of the United States and all of Mr. and Mrs. Ikeda’s Children:
Tomoko Ikeda Wheaton, Motoko Ikeda Spiegel, Moss Ikeda and Nobuko Ikeda Simmons;
Grandchildren: Rena Miwako and…

Tomoko Ikeda Wheaton & Family
In 1942, Tomoko Ikeda, her parents, Masako and Masao Ikeda, her sisters, Motoko and Nobuko, and her brother, Moss, lived in East LA on Gleason Avenue between 1st and 2nd Streets. Tomoko was 16 years old and a junior at Roosevelt High School. Her sisters were 14 and 5 and her…

Kay Ino
In memory of our modest father, Mr. Kay Ino ; He was born in Glendale, California July 26, 1922 and passed away in Monterey Park, California January 23, 2011.
He was a second generation Japanese American and the youngest of three brothers and one sister. Our father grew up…

Yukiko Julie Israel
My mother’s birthday was December 7th, 1921. As you can imagine, it was not a joyful way to celebrate her special day ever since the fateful Pearl Harbor devastation occurred.
My mother’s father (my grandpa) Mataemon Fukuda came to the United States to enlist in the U.S.…

Noboru and Kikuyo Iwata
My parents were a farming couple. Their farm was located next to the beach hamlet of San Onofre, CA; on a low mesa that extended out to a cliff where it dropped to a sandy beach of the Pacific Ocean. Papa took advantage of the moist ocean breeze that provided an ideal climate…

Masao & Toshiko Iwawaki
I wish to pay tribute to my parents, who endured so much, but never gave up. Everything I have today, I owe to them. My parents were Kibei (born in America, educated in Japan), neither Issei nor Nisei, of two culturally diverse worlds, speaking both English and Japanese. My…

Siegfred “Sig” Kagawa
In memory of my father Siegfred “Sig”Kagawa.

Sakujiro Kawaguchi
Remembrance of My Father&mdsh;I was 13 years old and the oldest of three sisters when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. We were flower growers on Dominquez Hill in Los Angeles County. Farming life was very hard for my mother who was never a physically robust person. When I look back on…

Masuo John Koike
Masuo John (Matt) Koike was born in New York in 1935 to first-generation Japanese parents. At a young age, he accompanied his mother to Yokohama, Japan, for an extended visit with his grandparents. Unfortunate circumstances required that his mother return to New York, leaving…

Ernest Masaichi & Tokiko Kozuma
Ernest Masaichi Kozuma, born in Pepeeko, Territory of Hawaii, 9/1/1899 and Tokiko Yatsunami Kozuma, born in Tsuyazaki, Fukuoka, Japan, 3/13/1904, lived in Los Angeles and were parents of four children, Florence Emiko (Kasai) 13, Roger Tadashi 12, Kathleen Ayako (Hirata) 6, and…

Kiyoshi (Jim) Kusunoki
Kiyoshi (Jim) Kusunoki was born on December 18, 1926 in San Francisco, California, where his parents, Morinobu Kusunoki and Ume Kusunoki, operated a tailor shop. Following the outbreak of World War II, the entire family – including Jim’s brother Shinobu (George)…

Sawaichi and Natsuyo Matoi
Would like to pay tribute to our parents, Sawichi and Natsuyo Matoi. Their work ethic, love, and guidance during our growing up years in Reedley, California served as a model for all in the family.

Kuniaki Mihara
Although my father was only a toddler when he was interned, I see him as a survivor. I cannot imagine what it was like or how scared he could have been leaving the only home he knew for a strange place thousands of miles away. I would like to honor my father for enduring this…

Yuri Miya
Auntie Yuri, to keep the memories of her brothers Ken and Haruji—both deceased—alive and well, and an auntie to the Miya’s, Sasaki’s, and the Yanagitani’s. —Brian Yanagitani

Reverends Giichi & Yukiko Miyano
It is my parents, Rev. Giichi and Yukiko Miyano whom I wish to honor in this tribute. They came to the USA in 1928 and 1934 as missionaries of the Tenrikyo Church. They lived in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, with 4 children when December 7, 1941, began the World War II for us.…

Bungoro Morey
I never met my great-grandfather Bungoro Morey, but his legacy still carries on today. I think he’d be proud that 100 years after he first came to Little Tokyo and opened his business (The Asia Company), that his family was still conducting business in the community. From what…

Haluto Moriguchi
I wish to pay tribute to my cousin, Haluto Moriguchi, only son of Torao and Yae Moriguchi. He was born in San Francisco and was attending Commerce High School when WWII began. Our family lived on Buchanan Street, near Bush St. Haluto and his sister, June, and their parents…

Minoru Moriwaki
In memory of our dad, Minoru Moriwaki, who later in life became just “Grandpa.” He was funny without meaning to be, loved his wife deeply and missed her terribly when she left us, and took care of his family. Unlike mom, he shared with us stories and photos of…

Kiro Nagano
My maternal grandfather, Kiro Nagano, was born in Sapporo on Hokkaido in June, 1896. He was the second son of Tokuma and Tokue Nagano. His father owned a successful wholesale paper company in Sapporo. As is the fate of second sons, Kiro was free to seek his own fortune while…

Sue Kono and Tom Torao or Tadao Nakagawa
My Father came from Hiroshima, Japan, and my Mom was born in San Francisco, California. During the war, our family of four was sent to Manzanar in California. We lived at 22-10-4, where my Father was a policeman and my Mom was a housewife. My parents had an arranged marriage…

Hisashi Nakashima
He was our grandpa and dad. He fought in the war in the 100th Infantry Battalion. We are proud of him.

Yoneto Nakata
My name is Mary (Nakata) Sunada. This is my personal journey to find my unforgotten father who I never knew. His name was Yoneto “James” Nakata. Yoneto was born on November 25, 1918 in Sanger, California. His parents, Suyetaro and Riye, were farm laborers and had to return to…

Kay Kazuo Nitta
An American success story, my Dad was forced to endure the hardship created by one of the darkest events in American history. Dad led the way back from forced incarceration by working 24x7 establishing a new home in Denver, Colorado. Dad was my role model: he was adaptable;…

Nancy Shizue Nitta
Nancy Shizue Nitta—Blessings of My Mother-In-Law. She opened her heart and home to everyone. She was such a giving person. If her gift to others could be measured in dollars, she would be a millionaire. She loved the beauty of nature and flowers. She tended to one of the…

Nancy Shizue Nitta
My Mom loved the beauty of nature, community, music, and fellowship. Growing up with Mom there was always lively discussions, music, and FLOWERS (Oh the flowers, gardens outside and cut arrangements inside). She loved life and beauty! I can only image how crushing it must…

Kay Kazuo Nitta
Kay Kazuo Nitta was a bighearted father-in-law who led our family through life. He was all about giving the very best to others and putting forth tireless effort and energies into supporting his family and community. A perfect example would be when Dad awoke at 4 AM and headed…

Good morning Mr. Takei … I had a good friend who passed away about 11 years ago. Alice Lowery Westerfield lived in Indio, CA and was president of the Coachella Valley National Bank. It’s founder, John Westerfied, took over
properties of interned Japanese from the…

Dick Kiminori Nozawa
This is my tribute to my father, Dick Kiminori Nozawa, who was born in San Francisco, CA (February 5, 1929 – November 12, 2002) to Yosaburo and Sachiko Nozawa. As I have gotten older, I realize how much my dad made an great impact on me. He taught me forgiveness and to…

Wilson Ogawa
Uncle Wilson was a good natured man and from my short visits with him he always had an uplifting spirit. As a young teenager I was never truly aware of his past until after I came back from Vietnam. He is missed by his family and I am honored to have had him as an Uncle.…

Yoshito & Takayo Ota Okada
They may not have known one another when they lived just a mere block away from each other in Hiroshima as children, but Yoshito and Takayo would come together to build a life and family in America. Yoshito Okada was just 14 when he immigrated to the US in 1908 from…

Kazumi Kenneth & Miyeko Watanabe Okamoto
Kazumi was born in 1920 in Folsom, CA. At 9 years of age (1929), he moved to Japan but returned the next year (1930) to Sacramento where his father opened up a hardware store with other partners. Kazumi was 13 years old (1933) when the family moved back to Japan. Upon becoming 19 years old (1939), his father sent him back to Sacramento to avoid being drafted into the Japanese Army. Before he left, he made a promise to his mother to return…

Hayato & Rie Sakamoto
As a docent at the Japanese American National Museum I have the privilege of telling visitors about the Japanese American immigrant experience. The story I tell is very personal because I share the lives of my parents, Hayato & Rie Sakamoto. Both of my parents were raised…

Isao Shimoyama
This tribute is in memory of my dad, Isao Shimoyama (1925–2009), who was incarcerated in the Heart Mountain, WY, camp with his family and then served in the U.S. Army’s Military Intelligence Service. He was a proud veteran, and respected what it meant to have served his…

Atsuo Nakata & Yuka Takahara Nakata
Seattle 1920. Here she was, sitting on the train from Seattle to Portland, several seats behind the man that was to become her husband. During the trip, he passed an orange back to her. She would recall it as the most delicious orange she had ever tasted. Just that…

Fumiko Emily Takei
Fumiko Emily Takei was born on September 29, 1912, to Benkichi and Shigeno Nakamura in Florin,
California. Her father was a successful farmer who enjoyed boasting that he was the first in Florin
to own a Model T Ford. Yet despite his success, his children were required to go...

Takekuma “Norman” Takei
Takekuma “Norman” Takei was born in Yamanashi prefecture in central Japan in 1902. He lost his mother early in his childhood and was brought to San Francisco, California, by his widower father, Yataro Takei, when he was 12. He loved baseball and as a teenager,…

Katsuyo Lillian Takeshita
Katsuyo Lillian Takeshita was well named by her parents. “Katsuyo” means “to live victoriously, and overcome adversities with a winning spirit.” Despite the many hardships she faced early in life, she became an exceptionally beautiful, gracious, and accomplished person of distinction.…

Thomas Kohachiro Takeshita
Thomas Kohachiro Takeshita left us a legacy of accomplishments and memories that enriched not only his own life but also of others. He was born Kohachiro Yamamoto, April 20, 1891, in Tanami-mura, Wakayama, Japan, it was many years later in America that he acquired the name…

Violet Yoshie Fujiyoshi Tanaka
In honor and memory of my Aunty Violet. She was someone I have always felt that must have been a very strong individual to have survived this and made a life for herself and 5 children.

David & Irene Tanji
When my Grandma, Irene Tanji, was my age, she was in Manzanar. Instead of staying in her own room, in her own home and with her own toys, she was in a dusty, cramped, dirty, cold, and undesirable barrack. Going through this experience might make a person bitter and mean but she is not like that. It’s awesome and sad that she was in an important part of American history.…

Takeo Lens Teragawa
Takeo Teragawa was born in Hiroshima, Japan. His family immigrated to Hawaii when he was very young. They lived and worked on a sugar plantation with not much opportunity for higher education.…

Hana K. Uyeno
In memory of our mother, Hana K. Uyeno, who never spoke of her days in the camps, who remained bitter about the experience until the day she died, never having touched her $20,000 of “reparations.”…

Chisako Nishioka Watanabe
When I first came to Stockton in the early 1970s, I was just out of U.C. Davis Art Program with an M.A. I thought a city with a university and a city college would have a vibrant art scene with some challenges. Chisato [Watanabe] was the only person with the mind of an artist and she was just starting out at the local city college.…

Henry & Mary Yamaguchi
Although my grandparents are no longer here with me, I feel their presence often in particular now that I have children of my own. What I tend to remember most is their positive attitude and simple philosophy of life especially when they were in the most difficult of times.…

Kikuye Inouye Yamate
When our mother passed away in 2005, my sister and I unexpectedly came across a copy of her commencement speech to her high school graduating class of 1945. Her graduation was almost certainly unlike the graduation ceremony of her former classmates at Los Gatos High School in Los Gatos, California, where she longed to be.…

Katsuyoshi George Yanagitani
Keep the Yanagitani’s Family name alive and in good memories. For many, hopeful, for generations to remember.

Masa Yamada Yanagitani
To always remember Grandma Yanagitani—from Grandchildren Brian, Paul James, and Elizabeth (deceased) and from Children: Noburo (deceased), Katsuyoshi, and Mary (deceased.)

Noboru Nobo Yanagitani
Keep the Yanagitani’s Family name alive and in good memories. For many, hopeful, for generations to remember.

Takeo Tak Yuki
We would like to pay tribute to our father, Takeo Yuki. Through courage and determination, he established five generations of the Yuki Family.…